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A school volunteer is defined as a non-paid person who assists the instructional staff in curricular, co-curricular, or extra-curricular programs. A volunteer is a person who offers to provide assistance or service of his/her own free will without legal obligation. Non-paid coaches are not included in this definition of school volunteers, and must meet the New York State Department of Education requirements for coaches. 

Volunteers will be asked to abide by the following guidelines, and to complete the Volunteer Application Form/Agreement

Volunteer Guidelines

  1. Volunteers are expected to support the District’s instructional program and extra-curricular activities.
  2. Volunteers may assist on an occasional or regularly scheduled basis.
  3. The need for volunteers will be determined by the Building Principal or Athletic Director in cooperation with the faculty.  Final decision concerning selection, placement and replacement is made by the appropriate administrator. Occasional volunteers will be screened by the principal in a manner of his/her choosing. Regularly scheduled volunteers will, at a minimum, complete an application, and be approved by the appropriate administrator. By approving volunteers, the District accepts the liability for their actions within the scope of their authority. 
  4. Orientation and in-service training may be provided when determined appropriate by the administrator.
  5. Volunteers will work under the supervision and direction of appropriate staff and are expected to comply with all rules and regulations set forth by the District. Volunteers should be under
    the direct supervision of a district employee.
  6. An accurate list of volunteers shall be kept by each administrator or supervisor and forwarded to the Superintendent.
  7. The District does not carry health/accident insurance or Worker Compensation on volunteers. They are covered for their actions within the scope of their approved authority under the liability section of the District’s umbrella policy. This is not the case for visitors.
  8. Volunteers must sign in and out in the school office or alternate area designated for this purpose, unless determined otherwise by the administrator. 
  9. Appropriate identification as determined by the Superintendent or administrator will be worn for immediate recognition as a school volunteer. 
  10. Since volunteers are exposed to confidential information about students and their families, it is important that such information be treated in a confidential manner. Any information, including, but not limited to children’s learning/physical/athletic abilities, behavior, school records, interactions between staff members and children, and other identifiable information are confidential. 
  11. Indications and/or suspicions of child abuse/neglect should be reported to the supervising staff member and kept confidential. All staff members are mandated by law to report child abuse/
    neglect to the appropriate agency.
Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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