Pen pal project brings EJR and PBE first-graders together!

Tiffanie Reilly’s first graders at EJR were pretty excited this overcast but warm May day. Equally eager were the students in Teresa Salvato’s first grade at PBE.  The two classes were finally getting to meet after being pen pals throughout the school year!

A group of first graders line a black fence looking at the students walking toward them.


The teachers paired up their students and each month they wrote to their new pen pal. They talked about their interests outside of school, what they’re doing in class, their families, and what they like to read. Choosing a book to share with their pen pal was a big decision for the students.


Two first grade girls give each other high fives.


Meeting each other is the culmination for the pen pals. They’ve already learned so much about each other. But meeting the person to whom they’ve been writing made them enthusiastic and nervous at the same time.


Two first grade girls sit together as they read.


Two first grade girls sit in the grass as they read together.


After the pen pals were introduced, they walked together and found a place where they read their favorite book to their new friend. They also got to know each other a little better – two pen pals found out they had the same birthday! Another pair realized they were on the same rec sports team together!

Two first grades boys swing on outdoor swings.


This is a project Ms. Reilly and Ms. Salvato have done for a decade. The children practice their writing, share their experiences and enjoy reading about their pen pal. The ultimate goal is that when their students go on to Crispell Middle School four years from now, they will have another friend.

“We’ve had students come back and say they met their pen pal at Crispell again,” said Ms. Salvato.

Have a look at slide show below of the students.


Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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