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Information about Senior Ball


Dear Senior Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Pine Bush High School Senior Ball is on June 16, 2023, at Villa Venezia in Middletown, NY from 7 PM to 11 PM. The cost of a ticket will be $100/ticket. They will be sold from May 15 to May 19. Students can pay with cash or by check. All checks for the Ball tickets MUST be made out to Pine Bush High School Senior Class.

To make sure your son/daughter is safe and has a wonderful evening, there are a few rules and regulations which you, as the parent(s)/guardian(s), need to be aware of regarding the Senior Ball this year.

  • Your son/daughter, as well as their guest, must be eligible in academics, behavior, and attendance to buy a ticket(s) for the Ball. If he/she becomes ineligible after the ticket is purchased, he/she will not be able to attend the Ball and will not be refunded the cost of the ticket(s). This will be strictly enforced.
  • All students attending the Ball shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. All school rules and consequences are in effect at the Ball.
  • If any student or guests arrive at the Ball under the influence of alcohol or drugs or are found in possession of prohibited substances, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted immediately and required to take the student home. Those students may also be subject to disciplinary
    consequences upon returning to school outlined in the PBCSD Code of Conduct.
  • Once a student leaves Villa Venezia he/she will not be allowed back in.
  • Tickets will be sold: before school in rooms 140 and 222, Period 1: Room 140, Period 2: Room 222, Period 5: Room 140, Period 6: Room 222, Period 9: Rooms 140 and 222, and after school: room 140.
  • When purchasing tickets, students will choose which table they want to sit at for the event. This ensures that every student and guest will have a place to sit at the event.

Please see the attached Consent and Agree form. Review the policies outlined in this letter with your son/daughter and return the signed form when purchasing a ticket. Students will NOT be allowed to purchase a ticket(s) without this consent form. All guests must have a Guest Consent and Agree form signed as well. Guests that are underclassmen and attend PBHS must hand in an eligibility form when purchasing a ticket.

Please be advised that these forms will be posted on our District Website at and follow the Senior Class Instagram Page @pinebush23.

If you should have any questions regarding the Ball, please feel free to contact the Senior Class advisors:

  • Kelly Cooke (ext 3424 / or
  • Kelly Wohlgemuth (ext 3864 / ).

Thank you.
Pine Bush High School Senior Class Advisors

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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