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Parent Cover Letter

June 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Enclosed you will find important information regarding your graduating senior. Please note that the yearbook is a student-run publication. We take extreme care in providing the best possible proofreading that we can. Although we try to get everything 100% correct, there may be some errors due to proofreading.

Letters from Home: This document is for you as a parent/guardian. Please read and follow the deadline. Friday, September 24

Elaborate Ad: This document is for you as a parent/guardian. Please read and follow the deadline. Friday, October 15

Baby Photo: This document is for you as a parent/guardian. Please send in a baby photo of your graduating senior. You can email a copy to us at NO COST!!! Friday, September 24

Quote: This document is also for your graduating senior. Please have him/her fill out and return by deadline. NO COST.  Friday, October 1

Yearbook portraits: You will be receiving information about your Senior’s portrait directly from Prestige Portraits. At this time, you should have received a card from Prestige giving you the unique code that you will need to use to schedule and confirm your appointment. Portrait sitting dates are as follows:

  • June 7-11 in the high school library
  • July 12-15 in the Crispell library
  • August 9-12 in the Crispell library
  • August 30-31 in the high school library
  • September 1-2 in the high school library
  • October 4-8 in the high school library

All times are from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. These sittings are by appointment only. It is imperative that you schedule a session as soon as possible.

It is imperative that you and your graduating senior follow these instructions exactly. This will be your only correspondence. We have to follow strict deadlines for publication of the yearbook. Please do your best to get everything to us by the deadlines.

Thank you,

Mr. Risco and Mrs. Flint
and your 2021-2022 Yearbook Staff

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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