During the school year, breakfast and lunch meals are available to children through the Pine Bush School Nutrition Department, but when schools are out, they can lose access to good nutrition. Summer is a time for adventure and fun and our program makes sure children have the proper nutrition, helping to alleviate summertime food insecurity and positively impact their growth.

This is the 12th year of providing summer meals and the largest program ever with nine sites throughout Orange, Ulster, and Sullivan Counties, including the district’s summer academies, summer program and several camps. More than 49,000 meals were served to area children last summer and this year has the potential to break that record.

Circleville Evangelical Presbyterian Church, located on the corner of Route 302 and Goshen Turnpike, is an open food distribution site for families to pick up meals for all children 18 and under. No other information is required. Pick-up times are: 9 – 9:30 a.m. for breakfast and 12 – 12:30 p.m. for lunch.

The new summer menus provide a variety of hot breakfasts and hot lunches. This is a challenging initiative, but research has shown that children prefer hot meals and more children will eat them. The PBCSD School Nutrition Department works diligently to provide a variety of high quality, nutritionally balanced meals that provide daily energy, are appetizing and appealing. These meals also help make sure children are ready to learn when they return to school in the fall.

Entrees include favorites such as all beef hot dogs, cheese pizza, premium chicken nuggets, and hamburgers, along with whole grains, farm-to-school local vegetables and fruits, and choices of low-fat milk. New this year are homemade deep dish peach and pear crisps and sweet potato casserole which have received great reviews. Breakfast on a rotating basis includes whole grain pancakes, French toast, waffles, fruit, 100% juice and low-fat milk choices. These meals are delivered fresh and hot with two meal delivery truck routes daily.

All meals are at no cost to families, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and a $28,000 grant from No Hungry Kid NY, and administered by the Pine Bush Central School District. Please contact the school nutrition program at (845) 744-2031 ext. 2809 for more information.