February is Black History Month! It’s a time to recognize and celebrate the achievements of Black Americans and learn more about their contributions that have helped shape our country and our society.
February is also the month we celebrate love. Aubrey Zamonsky, the library media specialist at Pakanasink Elementary School, has combined the two, teaching the pre-K students that loving themselves and each other is important to all of us.
Ms. Zamonsky read a book called “Not Quite Snow White.” It was about a little girl who loved to dance and perform. Her school was putting on the show “Snow White,” but she didn’t quite look the part of the traditional Snow White. Some kids said she was too tall, too chubby and her skin was too brown. Their words discouraged her but her parents turned that around, telling her she is just right for the part! At the audition the next day, she was a star! She acted, danced and sang perfectly. Everyone loved her! She believed in herself and had all the confidence she needed.
Ms. Zamonsky also went to Netflix and played the reading of another book, “I Am Perfectly Designed,” by the author, Karamo Brown. It too was about loving yourself just as you are.
After the video, the students told Ms. Zamonsky what they love about themselves – their cuddles, their eyebrows, their hearts to show love, their smile, their ears for listening, and much more.
Then, the students sat together and colored a project celebrating Black History Month.