Principal Lee Hankinson’s Welcome Letter for the 2023-2024 School Year

August 24, 2023

Dear CVMS Families 

I recently came across this powerful quote from British author and poet, Thomas Hood: “When was ever honey made with one bee in a hive?”

It’s a quote that resonated with me as I spent a few weeks this summer in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.  As I observed the landscape, it seemed that everywhere I looked there were beekeepers tending their honey bee hives.  I was fascinated as my relationship with bees has always been one of fear, but I was eager to understand what the “buzz” with beekeeping was all about.  I soon found myself talking to a few local beekeepers, researching where honey bees came from, how they work, how vital they are to our food supply, and of course, sampling some of the best bee “vomit” (otherwise known as honey) that I have ever tasted.  I quickly learned how much in common we have with these astonishing insects and what they can teach humanity. 

Our proverbial “hive” at CVMS fosters healthy, sustainable learning environments for our students. We give them a solid foundation of respect and compassion. We build up a frame of knowledge and skills that will provide the strength they need to achieve their goals. We nurture their creativity and passions so that they are confident and empowered to one day take flight and pursue their dreams. We do this together with all of you – our CVMS families.

Similar to honey bees, we engage in shared decision-making, successfully socialize, maintain strong lines of communication, take care of each other, and are selfless. We consistently need your support as we are constantly tending to our hive, individually and collectively. Each year presents its set of unique challenges, and with them opportunities to strengthen, repair, and remodel our colony. We are excited about what we have planned for the 2023-2024 school year and have no doubt that we will create “quite the buzz” as we rely on our foundation of giving 100 percent to our students, 100 percent of the time both in and out of our CVMS hive.

We have all been “busy bees” buzzing with excitement for the arrival of our students to CVMS on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023. In an effort to make our first few days progress smoothly, prior to the first day of school you should have received the following information from First Student Bus Company via your child’s school email address:  

  • Information regarding your child’s bus route and pick up/drop off times. Please make sure that when they board the bus they adhere to all safety protocols communicated from their bus driver.

In addition, please find the following information on our website, as well as emailed to your child’s school email account:

  • CVMS Family Edition Booklet  that highlights our procedures and practices. Please pay particular attention to our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures.
  • CVMS Student Handbook – Please take the time to read and discuss its contents with your child.

When the students arrive at school on our first day, they will be released from our buses and enter our building following all safety protocols outlined in our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures. 

  • Students in grade 6 will enter from our cafeteria ramp and will then be able to obtain a “grab and go” breakfast from the serving line and report directly to the auditorium for a brief orientation and introduction of their sixth grade teachers.  Advisory teachers will then gather their students and escort them to their advisory classrooms. 
  • Students in grades 7 and 8 will enter from our main entrance and will report directly to the mobile cart in the cafeteria to obtain a “grab and go” breakfast, if they so choose, before going to their lockers and advisory classrooms. 
  • Students in all grades who are dropped off will enter from our cafeteria ramp.  Students in all grades can then obtain a “grab and go” breakfast from our serving line, if they so choose, before going to their lockers and advisory classrooms.  Students in grade 6 will report to the auditorium only on the first day of school.

We will also have numerous staff members available to offer assistance and provide directions to our students throughout the day.

All other pertinent information will be provided to your child by their teachers as they welcome them on our first day. Some of these items include:  locks and lockers, schedules, documents for parents, etc.

Please review the CVMS Family Edition Booklet, check your child’s school email address, and access our Parent Portal in School Tool which will open on Friday, August 25, 2023, to view your child’s bus information, advisory class, school schedule, etc. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at 744-2031, extension 5600. In addition, please feel free to contact me to share your concerns, ask questions, or just to say, “hello.” Your involvement in our community of learners is most assuredly welcomed and valued. 

We look forward to continuing to build a sweeter future for our students with all of you.


Lisa A. Hankinson, Principal, Circleville Middle School

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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