2024-2025 School Year
8240 Instruction in Certain Subjects
7670 Due Process Complaints: Selection and Board Appointment of Impartial Hearing Officers
7530 Child Abuse and Maltreatment
7420 Sports and Athletic Program
6121 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
5630 Facilities: Inspection, Operation and Maintenance
3420 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment in the District
3421 Title IX and Sex Discrimination
3420 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment in the District
6120 Equal Employment Opportunity
3272 Advertising in the Schools
7640 Student Individualized Education Program: Development and Provision
7110 Comprehensive Student Attendance
2023-2024 School Year
7350 Timeout and Physical Restraint
6190 Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Statement
6213 Registration and Professional Learning
5140 Administration of the Budget
8320 Textbooks, Library Materials and Other Instructional Materials
8330 Objection to Library and Instructional Materials and Controversial Issues
2022-2023 School Year
8340 Instructional Materials and Nonpublic School Students
8280 Instruction for English Language Learners
8240 Instruction in Certain Subjects
8210 Safety Conditions and Prevention Instruction
8110 Curriculum Development, Resources and Evaluation
7131 Education of Students in Temporary Housing
7320 Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Other Substances (Students)
6560 Determination of Employment Status: Employee or Independent Contractor
6160 Professional Growth/Staff Development
6150 Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Other Substances (Staff)
8450 Home, Hospital, or Institutional Instruction (Homebound Instruction)
6140 Employee Medical Examinations
5740 Qualifications of Bus Drivers
5731 Idling School Buses on School Grounds
5683 Fire and Emergency Drills, Bomb Threats, and Bus Emergency Drills
5230 Acceptance of Gifts, Grants, and Bequests to the District
3220 Use of Assistance Animals
1510 Regular Board Meetings and Rules (Quorum and Parliamentary Procedures)
7670 Due Process Complaints: Selection and Board Appointment of Impartial Hearing Officers