Assistant Superintendent for Business Joseph Lenz is a “tie guy.” He has ties in every color and print, for every occasion. He wears one practically every day. It doesn’t go unnoticed! His colleagues at district office often compliment him on his beautiful ties. Recently, he cleared out his tie closet and decided to donate many of them – about 30!
As most people who attend them know, the music concerts throughout our district are amazing! And while they most definitely sound great, they look just as good. The kids really up their game when dressing for the performances. During the recent winter concert season, Mr. Lenz decided to donate some ties to Circleville Elementary School for kids to wear to their concerts, if they want to. He gave the ties to music teacher Danielle Hommel, in case any kids wanted to wear them for a performance.
Well, they wanted them! A few kids received ties from Ms. Hommel and when others heard that Mr. Lenz had donated them, it was like a ripple effect. Word got around and several other kids wanted to look professional like Mr. Lenz and wear one of his ties to the concert, which was held on Wednesday, Dec. 18. They looked professional and wonderful in their shirts and ties, just like Mr. Lenz! They were thrilled to take a few pictures and chat with him before the concert too. It was a true connection for all.