Pine Bush welcomes 30 new teacher to its ranks this school year, ready to take on their first day in the district on Wednesday, Sept. 4.
Pictured here at their orientation on Aug. 28, front row, left to right, are: Deanna Feuerbach, Nicole Halabuda, Lauren Toper, Laura VanVoorhis, Kimberly Canaperi; second row: Angela Gilleo, Taylor Mann, Dawn Dorcas, Jade-Marie Yarwood, Patricia LoPresti, Shaina Proietti; third row: Leanna Ponsolle, Juan Weissenbereg, Jessica Grasso, Kelly Nober; fourth row: Karen Lisa, Peter Gehres, Alyssa Coamey, Erin Poole; fifth row: Tyler Odell, Kelly Lake, Ashley Michelitch, Courtney Roberts, Nora Callahan; last row: Enis Egdemir, James Sullivan, Brandon Johanson. Missing from the photo are Janine Brutvan, Robin Renahan and Catrina Rotondo.