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Wellness + Art = Art Therapy

The PBHS Wellness Club and Art Club had a joint meeting recently to do some art therapy. Kristin Raucci, who guides the Wellness Club, and Janice Barth, the lead for the Art Club, brought their students together for a lesson in art therapy. In this class, the large group used clay to make individual pinch pots that will eventually become planters.


A pair of hands mold gray clay into a small pot. The hands have clay on the fingers.

Two girls are at a table. The girl on the left has long dark hair and is wearing glasses and a mustard colored shirt. She is smiling and watching the girl on the right, who is sitting, as she molds clay in her hands.

What exactly is art therapy? According to the American Art Therapy Association, the experience of art therapy is something that engages the mind, body and spirit. It allows people to express themselves and understand feelings in a different way than talk therapy does. Art therapy can be done in many forms, including dance, drama, music and more. Today, the medium was clay.

A young woman with long black hair, wearing a gray sweatshirt, molds her clay into a small pot.

A young woman in a red sweatshirt, with dark hair pulled back and glasses, molds her clay into a pot.

Ms. Barth explained how to work with clay to get rid of air in it, how to smooth it and roll it and to create the pinch pot. The students were extremely creative! They used utensils to decorate their pots.


A young woman with mid-length blonde hair smiles and holds up a small clay pot she shaped into a heart.


A high school student with chin-length reddish hair and glasses, holds up a clay pinch pot so he can see the bottom as he is making it.

Next up, Ms. Barth will fire the pinch pots for the first time. The clubs will meet again in a couple of weeks to glaze them. Then the pots will be fired a second time before the students plant in them.

A boy with short dark hair, glasses and wearing a blue tshirt squirts a spray bottle of water into a small clay pot.

It’s such a terrific combination, art and therapy, with beautiful outcomes – wellness and unique art.


Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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